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It is essential to notice that you are amazing. Take time to Stop ‘N Notice often!


Harmful and destructive ways a defensive and over reactive mindset can damage relationships with self, others, and God. Addressing a defensive mindset is crucial for maintaining and regulating alignment with fulfilling relationships with self, others, and Spiritual well-being. The spirit in self must be connected with its Higher Self in order to recognize there is no separation from the consciousness of God and perfect love.


Eroded Self Trust and Self Esteem: Constant resistance and defensiveness can lead to a lack of trust in one’s own feelings and judgments, reducing self-esteem.


Impaired Communication: Defensive behavior often results in poor communication, misperceptions, and an inability to effectively express or listen to others’ viewpoints.


Conflict escalation: Over reactivity can turn minor disagreements into major ongoing conflicts, as disproportionate responses can escalate situations unnecessarily.


Damaged Relationships with Others: Patterns of consistent defensiveness can strain and damage openness in relationships as it comes across as unapproachable, hostile, dismissive, and blaming.


Reduced Empathy and Connection: A defensive mindset can block the ability to empathize with others as it is focused on self-protection rather than standing in a position of hearing others’ perspectives without criticism.


Barriers to Personal Growth: Being defensive and over reactive (triggered) can hinder honest self-reflection and acknowledgement of ownership for projecting distorted thinking patterns onto others.


Increased Anxiety and Stress: This mindset is actually based on the survival feelings of fight, flight or freeze and will tax the nervous system to dysregulate and send thoughts based in fearful emotions or misperceived (distorted) attacks (criticisms and accusations). This also sets of inflammation and gut instincts to produce more gastric distress, etc.


Isolation and loneliness: Over time, psychological self-defensive behaviors can lead to isolation as others may withdraw from the relationship to avoid confrontation. This also sets up more inner conflict with self (duality).


Hindered Spiritual Connection: In this context, such a mindset can create barriers to experiencing humility, forgiveness of self and others, and compassion which are essential and central to spiritual paths.


Loss of Authentic Connection: Defensiveness can prevent forming deep, intimate, authentic connections with self and others as it does not allow for the vulnerability necessary for close relationships.


Projection of Negative Self-Image: People may project their insecurities or negative self-perceptions (concepts) onto others, leading to further regret, resentment, anger and a host of destructive thinking patterns that come from very low emotional vibrational frequencies.


Resistance to Feedback and Learning: Being reactive to others’ opinions can close off opportunities to hear their perspective. People often remain stuck in immature mindsets and closed hearts to others with these attitudes. No growth or healing can occur when this happens as the person is closed off (separation)


Spiritual Disconnection: For those with a faith-based life, constant defensiveness and over reactivity can lead to a sense of disconnection from the Voice of God and the higher divine self. The traits that are defensive are at odds with teachings about openness, forgiveness, compassion, and aspects of unconditional love.


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