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Cultivating Divine Oneness

Introduction When we consider who we are in perfect identity, let us consider the perfection that is our true image. Thus, when we behold our self in the light of truth, we can perceive that we cannot be separated from that one, true image. This is because God is ALL and is all perfect in all things. Trying to create a new image is what humans do under the influence of their false perceptions. Let us identify that we are all perceptually handicapped!


Each of us literally has taken on the illusion of separation and broken off into pieces instead of using our whole self-image to make our self-conceptions. Thus, my theory of our perceptual handicaps. Taking it further inside oneself, we can imagine the many false ways we pick up limiting beliefs (lies) about not only ourselves, but others. This skews our worldview to believe in divisions and separations based on sensory relationships.


Living out of alignment with our true self is to live out of alignment with divine awareness and perfect love. The laws we use as a human of the double mind (separate from the whole) will not only cause distortions, but it will also pervert love and enslave us to servitude. Living under the influences of falsehoods is a condition in which one lacks liberty and is in bondage to external circumstances. 

The perception of liberty (living empowered) is far different from the reality of knowing the truth of self.


Self-Conception from the flow of Image of God as Father

Perceiving God as one mind is often called the Law of Divine Oneness that connects all aspects of existence. This concept underpins all of us in our existence with life. This refers to all of life from the smallest particles to every element in the universe. We are made (created) from that very same nature. This transcends religion, race, nation or any other divisions that we use to label humans. It is more about the base of nature itself. Each of us is an individual part of the whole.

One could think of it like a droplet of water in the ocean. It cannot be separated. There are many examples to use that we see in physical nature. However, you might be wondering what this has to do with your existence. Imagine that your life is made of thoughts, emotions, spirit (life), and other biological factors. Each of your experiences are in relationship with all that is being communicated to you and from your perceived reality.


Even so, knowing that everything is interconnected to the oneness of the Divine (mind of God consciousness), it is not merely an intellectual exercise. Much more is happening in a dynamic way through learning, reflection, programming, observation, mindfulness and whatever experiences you make up from the stories you make up and tell yourself and others. The schematic used is huge. 




Life under the influence of the interconnectedness of all things is a journey more than a destination. Divine oneness keeps unfolding and expanding you as the plan is for growth and development to greater unity with all. This appears to be opposite in contrast with the limited and dying perceptions most humans have been conditioned to believe. It definitely transcends conventional wisdom that is limited by thinking in smallness and separation.It is important to know that you will be lifted up by an inner guidance system that is not bound to the physical senses. The highest Source of help is within and renews your mind and heart to be in coherence with a higher vibrational frequency that is all loving. It is wise and intelligent but operates in holistic ways that do not separate you from it nor you from ‘others.’ It will keep shifting your settings to recognize and observe the oneness in all things as it reveals your own wholeness.


Sometimes, it seems counterintuitive that you are one whole and still not separate from other whole beings. This will get easier with practice as you vibrate in the same frequencies of utmost love and goodness. Life begins to show the support that comes from the highest energies of patience, kindness, hope, peace, etc. that are all the same wavelengths your own mind and heart desire to cultivate. 


This process is called awakening and can be both humbling and uplifting while instilling a deep sense of empathy, compassion, and responsibility for others. It is not a one-time event but a continuous journey as you learn to flow and navigate the waters with less turbulence. The linkage between the seen and unseen will begin to merge as you recognize there were always unknown and invisible things happening, but you used fear and lower densities as operating systems instead of shared essences of perfect love flowing from its divine Source.



Power of Wholeness and Unity Consciousness


Knowing that you are sovereign in your own mind and that you are connected to the Highest mind of divine guidance through your spirit in a spirit-to-spirit mind elevates your consciousness to a renewed self-awareness. You will find a profound operating system with profound observations when you embrace the unified mind of Christ consciousness.


It becomes more than abstract spiritual conception or religious reception based on dogma. Empathy and sensitivity to the love of all things as interconnected arouses feelings of compassion on an unprecedented scale. It is not a manufactured sense of a bleeding heart that feels sympathy for those less fortunate.


Unity consciousness keeps shifting your perspective and perceptions simultaneously to live in the Presence. This presence is here and now and recognizes thoughts, actions, feelings as projecting out with a sense that is new and gathers all the outer world together in this oneness.


 It appears to be hard and challenging at first but, like anything, with practice becomes more automatic. It does require deconstructing the old paradigms of separation that made up stories based on fear, guilt, shame and always defensiveness and self-protection. Somehow, the transformation of the Oneness works within you to integrate as you become more grateful of your truth self.

The rewards to choosing life connected to the divine within are immense. As you harmonize with unity consciousness, you will find relationships deepening, empathy expanding, and all of life just stays in the flow of rising above the fray of the old deadly energies. Mental and physical health improve as the things you once felt like eating, drinking, or speaking no longer are desired. 


This renewed mind is one of wellbeing and is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of others. You want all relationships to be win-win without compromising all you value. Without understanding how this is happening, it just seems a new path keeps opening over and over.


The journey of unity is not passive or aggressive. The balance of all energies is another astounding benefit. It seems there is a new default setting that was always within that has now been activated. The past is no longer a continual projection on the future and time, itself, is shifting. Living as above and so below gives the peace that nothing needs to be figured out ahead of time. Your intuition and highest guidance is giving direction now.One of the biggest observations you notice living in the Presence of the Divine without separation is the absence of the old anxieties and depressing thoughts. They are old school and a thing of the past as faith and secure feelings take over. The sense of serenity tells you that all is well. The more you choose to live a life that is present and aware of all that you are as one in the field of this frequency, your vibrational match will keep rising. 



  Letting Go of the False Perception of Separation

The false belief in separation has often widened a gap in consciousness that is wide and seems very deep to climb up out of due to the pressure and stress of the lower dimensional energetic frequencies.  Stand firm in your new position and keep remembering how far you have come and not how far there is still to go. There is really no place to go but you will arrive at new destinations along the path. The old things that were deeply ingrained in our psyche will continue to trick you into believing in an independent existence of others and the universe. Use these triggers as new opportunities to perceive from truth.


Everything in the cosmos is fundamentally interrelated. This perspective comes from quantum physics and dovetails with spiritual wisdom, which has long proclaimed the same truth that we are all one. This truth has been promised to set us all free. Knowing this, you will begin to meditate on it and hear one master voice affirming and demonstrating more favor from this truth. It soon becomes clear that letting go of the illusion set up from a double mind requires a radical shift in perception. It demands acknowledging and feeling our interconnectedness instead of understanding it intellectually. Understanding has been the problem as humans have tried (using effort) to work or figure it out. This went against the flow of the divine effortless ways and blocked the powers of forgiving and letting go.

Psychology and neuroscience can help with all the new studies and research work that has been done in those fields. Most studies have shown that experiences of oneness will lead to increased compassion, empathy, and wellbeing. When mindfulness and a spiritual life are used to partner with therapy or other healing, the benefits again support the integration of the individual to experience transformative feelings of holistic wellbeing. So, life is not only spiritually transformative, but also beneficial for mental and emotional health and means that reality is actually ALL spiritual or coming from the Spirit realm.


STEPS to Balance and Stabilize this NEW LIFE            



  • Begin to cultivate a mindset that integrates spirit, thoughts and emotions, physical and social wellness.

  • Connect with your Higher Self as one within God

  • Align with your inner flow by setting intentions

  • Algin with the divine flow with shifts in trust levels

  • Take walks and find time to connect with nature

  • Practice being aware and awake to grace and forgiveness of self and others at all times

  • Appreciate every opportunity to choose to neutralize every judgment or criticism that you want to make

  • Know that letting go means let go and let God as you embrace the willingness to choose love over fear

  • Relationships will change the more you accept and choose not to resist life without judging others (remembering they are all aspects of human behavior (God is a good judge)

  • Harmony is the Key to being a relational match to all

  • Keep raising vibrational frequency to match desire

  • Practice, Practice Presence, Focus on Oneness

More notes on the process…


1. Connecting with your higher self


Your higher self isn’t a separate entity.  It is an elevated, more enlightened aspect of your own consciousness and broadcast system within that is tuned into a higher frequency. As you connect within, you will find love, wisdom, clarity, and a feeling of inherent worth and value. It is not dependent on other people or their opinions. It involves quieting the mind, embracing silence, and creating a space where your inner voice, your higher self, can be heard. This may be achieved through various practices such as meditation, mindfulness, or self-reflection and spiritual contemplation.The connection to your higher self also necessitates a shift to a higher perspective that partners with new perceptions. You must begin to see yourself as more than just your physical body or your current life circumstances. You are a spiritual being in a physical body that will have experiences that express as an integral part of the divine whole. Through this connection, you will enjoy harmony with the Divine.

2. Behavioral Shifts

Getting in alignment with the divine flow of life is not as much about going with the flow as it is to actively observe with the higher energies and patterns that surround you. This alignment signifies a state of consciousness where your actions, thoughts, and feelings synchronize and move in harmony with a profound cosmic dance, orchestrated by Divine Love.Along with this, you are invited to take part are in shaping your reality, weaving it with the threads of divine energy. This divine flow isn’t a one-time event. It’s a continuous process meant to become the automatic response system you use and a habit that you cultivate. It’s about maintaining awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, recognizing that you are part of a vast, intricate web of life.

The Divine tuning fork has a tone perfectly attuned patience and a willingness to let go of old controls as you surrender to self-control currents of a new life.

3. Old energetic patterns and Integration of New


 It is imperative to being to find as many ways as you can to feel grateful for your life. Appreciate the value of your existence by deliberately noticing all the choices and experiences you have encountered that have shaped your journey. Replace all resentments, regrets and perceived failures with these. Also, remember to appreciate both the good and not so good experiences and relationships and forgive those who have hurt you as they have also helped you in ways you may not yet know.


Appreciating life allows more goodness to be attracted your way through the Law of Attraction. Focus on what you like and want more of and replace with positive affirmations want you want to let go of (especially in regard to guilt, shame, fear).

Using this lens to observe your life with help you neutralize and rise above the old energies that were attached to you in unhealthy ways.


Judgmental attitudes to self and others are at the root of all anxieties as they require unnecessary comparisons that will keep splits, double mindedness and lower levels repeating in your experiences and replicating more of them. Honor others as you honor yourself. Focus on that.

 By releasing judgment (without condoning behavior that is not in your value systems), you align yourself with oneness, fostering a deeper sense of compassion and interconnectedness and help to elevate all collectively. This deeper knowing of self and what the power of love and awareness of its perfection can do, spiritual connection becomes an automatic by product of healing.Healing through this oneness is a transformative process that started within. You began by recognizing the power of tapping into a vast reservoir of spiritual energy. This energy, when harnessed, promotes emotional, mental, and physical wellness. It radiates outward, influencing those around you as you send its light and love to all. This is because, at a fundamental level, we are all interconnected. Your thoughts, actions, and energy have an impact on the collective consciousness.



Flowing in balance with Divine love and inner peace

You are not isolated or alone. You are a part of a divine network that links every person, animal, plant, and element. You are joining and merging with divine essence as you let go of what you created in fear and influences of division. You are embracing divine guidance which is a journey of self-discovery. It’s a process of aligning with your true nature, your divine self, and living from this place of unity consciousness as an eternally infinite being.




Every step you choose towards the mind and spirit that integrates your whole being to become under the influence of one Master Divine Self raises your vibrational frequency significantly. This elevation is your energy field that keeps in harmony and is a match for greater well-being. It will shift your consciousness and awaken you even more to the interconnected super nature of all beings and God. The attunement is always in line with the powers of love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness as well as self-control that eliminates the need to be out of balance with the central nervous system.


It is not a fast process, but it can be quickened by trust, faith, and a conscious intention to grow in spirit. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice and reap the rewards of favorable treatment to self and others. It will also change your behavior so much that you will hardly know how it happened. This is because it does not involve effort or trying to force anything to happen. Let go of all resistance and relax as you simply perceive what you desire and imagine it to be so. Meditation, mindfulness, and acts of kindness can serve as practical steps to raise your vibration. They promote inner peace, foster love, and cultivate a sense of unity with all. This is how it works!

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