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       Life House Restoration Counseling Center


"Murture" (published 2015)



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new word: Murture 
                      ( Mur’ – cher ) n.
                      A system to unlock your fully mature self through love and holy nurture.

Murture is a system that will help gain a more loving intimate relationship with God, self and others. The process of awakening to a true self within is transformational. Holy nurture matures the inner being, forming a whole new self. A process happens that merges the unconditional love from God inside the self to awaken “divine essence” buried within the individual’s core. Living in awareness of this true self empowers Real Identity to shine out and forces the false outer self to stop masking authenticity. Murture allows enlightenment to continually develop spirituality and find higher purpose and meaning that transcends old ways of living.

See able of Contents HERE

See excerpt from Book HERE

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Table of Contents

I.  An Introduction to the Process of Murture

II.  Who Am I Really?

III.  My Discovery Through History and Inventory

IV.  My Image of Self Through Human Nature

V.  My Image of Self Through Human Nurture

VI.  My Image of Self Through Labels, Tapes, Voice, Beliefs from Others

VII.  Taking Steps to Merge Image of Self in More Balanced Ways

VIII.  Awakening to Awareness of Whole Self and Integrating Images

IX.  Living the New Life While Continuing to Grow in Mature Love

X.  Deeper Healing to Open Up Room for Inner Transformation

XI.  Seek the Real Voice to Audit, Assess, and Appraise

XII.  Living Under the Influence of Murture

XIII.  New Life Script and the Spiritual Fruit It Produces


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(author comment): This book is all about development and how to arise into a new life that is lived out of the spiritual being that you are instead of staying stuck in arrested development as a human being trying to become spiritual. It helps cure the feeling of going back to the same old ruts. Being awake to life and the seriousness of living is what this book is all about. It is about living in the present, being mindful of self and others, being a sensitive being who is deeply interested in all humans and connecting to them at deeper levels. 

All humans have adopted some form of adaptation and are often confused about their true identity. Some have no idea of who they are! It is just part of our human condition Murture is the answer: merging with a divine Being who loves all humans unconditionally and sheds that love onto all. This promise of love is given to any one of us who has the interest in waking up to receiving it will be able to- through seeking love.

Your conditioned way of thinking has been learned from all the situations that you have experienced due to the way you were trained. In my humble opinion, we have only begun to understand the true identity of individuals as God sees them.

 (book excerpts):
Murture is living life as though you are climbing a ladder. You climb up out of kidding yourself about who you are and become real to yourself and others, using listening without judging. It is about speaking the truth lovingly. Murture means you have gone back to your childhood, looked under that hood, and uncovered the pieces that you hid when you were a kid. It means letting unconditional love break through into the darkest places of your wounded self to heal and mature. It is about letting your true self come alive, out of hiding, and being raised up again without fear, obligation, beguiling, and negative energy from others. It is about perfecting the perverted affect of feelings and emotions that are distorted and distressed and are in need of unconditional love from a perfect Parent! Murture is about letting the light of understanding enter in to show you the truth of who is your real parent—a loving being that is neither male nor female but has the protection of a safe father’s love and the nurture of a safe mother’s love. Since God is neither male nor female, but incorporates both in Spirit, only God can fill you in on who you really are and how that perfect love can rescue you from the kid-napping of your inner child.

Murture brings out the spiritual nature in us to be nurtured by God. The integration of becoming whole and overcoming past influences of trauma, chronic stress, or other conditioning is a process.

Murture opens up an inner knowing that you are loved unconditionally, so it affords you the opportunity to merge and be one with that Perfect Love. There is no dependency on anyone or anything else so you know you do not (nor could you) have to be perfect to be lovable. When you continue to grow with murture, you begin to feel free to express your own reality in loving and respectful ways.

I use STEPS model in my therapeutic counseling to help people stay in balance while uncovering their real identity and learning to live in a reality that is true to them. These are the five aspects that need perfect balance. When you are stable and grounded in perfect love, you are conscious to check in and see if you are in balance and living from a centered position. Journaling and taking time to reflect is essential to keep the rhythm of this alignment. If old habits appear, quickly find the imbalanced places and recharge those places that have been neglected. Problems are now only opportunities for solutions that come easily as trust is placed in Divine Love connected to the balanced center of you.

STEPS—the five aspects that need perfect balance. Use them to check in with yourself

S is for spiritual leadership

You are now guided by positive spiritual energy that helps you avoid old traps and suffering from the ups and downs of anxiety and depression. Thoughts are ordered and centered. It is easy to focus with new settings on love and available help 24/7. The inner spirit of you is attuned to the one that aligns with the power greater than you.

T is for thought processes

Thoughts are clear and clean. There is a mind that works in confidence to bring new wisdom, and the old clutter or confused head is no longer present. Your thoughts align with the steps you need to take, and decision-making is certain as it is based on trust in God. 

E is for emotional wellness

Emotions are stable and feel centered. Even when circumstances happen that are upsetting in any way, a new awareness kicks in to tell you that things will work out for good. The old ways of spinning confusion, roller-coaster rides, or any other crazy feelings are nonexistent. You are living in an awakening that stays present in the moment and does not trigger you into past traumas. 

P is for physical living

All things that are connected to your physical needs are healthier. There is a sense of feeling more energy and less disease. Physical needs are met in new ways, including finances and all things that pertain to the material world. In general, you feel in good condition in mind, body, and spirit as you navigate the physical world.

S is for social relationships

You are very good at setting boundaries. You release old resentments and judgments, as you know they are poison to you. Relationships are more harmonious as you realize there is no need to prove or defend yourself. You live in a reality that is truthful and honest, and you take responsibility for treating self and others well. You have no need to compare yourself to anyone else to feed the old ego. You are able to share to be known and give love to others. 

This is exactly what is unique about murture. Murture simply is an approach free of any effort to try to get you--the reader--to believe or invest into what I, Susan--the author--believe, but rather to uncover your true self so you can sense truth from the core of your own being. 


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